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How old do I have to be to register?

You can register with us from your 17th birthday, even if you’re not yet ready to move into one of our accommodations. The sooner you register the sooner you start building up waiting time, which will help you get a room or studio faster when you need one.

How do I register?

You can register online via the registration form. There is a one-time administration fee of €25. We will not charge you for agency services or ask for a deposit. 

Why do I have to pay €25 to register?

The €25 registration fee covers the administration costs for getting you into our system. We will not charge you any further agency fees or ask you for a deposit.

Who can register?

Everyone who is taking, or planning to take, an MBO, HBO or WO course at a college in  Rotterdam and is aged between 17 and 27.