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What is the price of a new or spare key?

The costs of an extra key are EUR 19.50.

How do I get in when I locked myself out?

Did you lose your key or lock yourself out? Here’s how to solve this situation: 

  • Call our office during office hours to request if a copy of your key is available. If this is the case, you can get it during office hours at our office. A copy of your key will cost you EUR 19.50.
  • Did you get locked out after office hours? In that case you will have to call our emergency number 010 - 24 56 700. We will send over a locksmith to open your door for you. Please note: the charges for a locksmith’s services are around EUR 150, and these costs will be passed on to you.

Can I get a spare set of keys?

If you would like extra keys, you can request these via email or online through Stadswonen Portal. The cost is €19.50. 

What happens if I lose my keys?

If you’ve lost your keys, you must report this to Stadswonen Rotterdam as soon as possible.

During office hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm) call 010-24 56 700 to find out if we have spare keys available for your home and arrange a time to collect them. The cost is €19.50.

At other times call 010-24 56 700 and we will send a locksmith out to you. Note, a locksmith costs approximately €150, which you will have to pay for.