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To ensure a healthy housing environment for students and young people in Rotterdam, Stadswonen ROtterdam works together with a variety of partners in the city, including the municipality, local educational institutions and other housing associations.

Kences - Kenniscentrum Studentenhuisvesting

Stadswonen Rotterdam has been a member of Kences since 2007. Kences is an umbrella organisation for student housing in the Netherlands. The participating organisations have banded together to promote their joint interests, share knowledge and professionalise and innovate their operations. The Director of Stadswonen Rotterdam is presently a member of Kences’s executive board.


Woonstad Rotterdam regularly confers with the city’s municipal authorities. Every year, the two parties make special residential agreements, in which the accommodation of students and young people is an important focus area. Stadswonen shares the municipality’s ambition to retain as many highly educated professionals as possible for the city.

Educational institutions

Many of our residential buildings stand near locations of Rotterdam’s different educational institutions (both higher professional education and university). There are a number of residential buildings that also house international students. In addition, one of our buildings focuses on students enrolled in a senior secondary vocational education (MBO) programme.

Stadswonen Rotterdam

  • Student rooms starting at EUR 325
  • Largest selection in Rotterdam
  • Housing allowance possible
  • No deposit to pay