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International student Matviy Yudin rents a studio in Crooswijk

01 apr 2019

International student Matviy Yudin rents a studio in Crooswijk
Mat recently moved from a student room into a studio apartment in the Schuttersstraat building in Crooswijk. He is an international student from Ukraine.

'It has everything you’d expect from a big city'

Name: Matviy (Mat) Yudin
Lives in:  Schutterstraat in Rotterdam Crooswijk 
Studies: econometrics at Erasmus University

How are you enjoying your new studio in Crooswijk?

I love it! It’s a nice upgrade from the room I was living in before, in a shared unit. My mess is now just my own problem and I can be alone or have friends over as I choose. The neighbourhood is also great. There aren’t many shops in Crooswijk itself, but that isn’t a problem because it’s close enough to other areas that have just about everything! I really enjoy living so close to the city centre, the University and the park. There are only 8 studios in this building, so I was really lucky to get it!

 Why Rotterdam?

To be honest, I was initially more drawn to Amsterdam after being accepted for both universities, but I chose Rotterdam in the end because I liked this university more. In hindsight, I’m really pleased with that decision because Rotterdam is amazing. It has everything you’d expect from a big city, while also being relatively small and cosy.

How did you get to know the city?

My first room in Rotterdam was in a large student building where I shared a unit with a few Dutch students. We all used to go out together and I got invited to other people’s house parties, which was exciting. That’s how I met many friends who I’m still in touch with. We’ve actually organised a ‘house-crawl’ (instead of a pub-crawl) next week, going from home to home to see each other’s places since everyone has moved.

Any tips for international students?

I think I took the perfect ‘route’ in terms of housing. I really enjoy having my own space now I have my studio, but I would recommend international students moving here to start off by living in an accommodation where you share with others. It’s the perfect way to meet people and explore the city when you’re new in town!

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